The Datafile PD-CD 1 Issue 2
PDCD-1 - Issue 02.iso
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37 lines
This is the ReadMe file for ZapSoftWrap
(c) Daniel Wagenaar, 1994
ZapSoftWrap is a module which provide a mode for Zap featuring soft
line ends. This means that you don't have to press return at the end
of each line, and that paragraphs will be automatically formatted.
ZapSoftWrap preferentially takes mode 7 (reachable through Ctrl-Shift-f8),
but if this number is taken, it will happily use another one. In this
case you'll have to select it through the menu.
As an extra, ZapSoftWrap provides a command, 'RemoveLF', which will remove
any 'free' lineend-codes (LEC) from the current text. An LEC is called free if
it is not followed by a space, tab or LEC, or preceded by another LEC. This
means that it will try to convert a text with fixed LECs to one with soft
LECs. (The ascii code of LEC usually is 0x0a, but may be 0x0d or anything
else, as defined by Zap's 'Return char' submenu.)
The distribution conditions of ZapSoftWrap are as for Zap. Moreover, if you
have permission to copy Zap, then you also have permission to copy
ZapSoftWrap, without asking me first.
Note that as ZapSoftWrap is free, I cannot give any guarantees as to its
workings. I've done quite thorough testing, but if it manages to corrupt
your texts, I'm sorry, but I can't take responsibility.
You may distribute ZapSoftWrap with or without the source, but this
message must always be included.
You can reach me:
Daniel Wagenaar
Van Eeghenlaan 10
1071 EL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
phone: +31-(20)-679 5615
e-mail: wagenaar@phys.uva.nl